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PDF Extraction

Indexify provides extractors that extract text, images, and tables from PDF documents. Some extractors also convert PDFs to markdown documents. You can build complex pipelines that can extract and write tabular information from PDF documents in structured stores or extract embedding from texts in the documents. PDF is a complex document type; we offer many different extractors suitable to various use cases.

PDF Extraction High Level

What Can You Achieve with Indexify?

With Indexify, you can accomplish the following with your PDFs:

  1. 🔍 Data Extraction: Easily extract specific information from PDFs, such as fields from tax documents, healthcare records, invoices, and receipts. Use Cases: Automate Manual Data Entry
  2. 📚 Document Indexing: Build searchable indexes on vector stores and structured stores by combining PDF extractors with chunking, embedding, and structured data extractors. Use Cases: RAG Applications, Assistants, etc.
  3. 🤖 Document Q&A: Get Answers to specific Questions from Documents without creating indexing.

The Extraction Pipeline: A Three-Stage Process

PDF Extraction Pipelines are usually composed of three stages. You can use one or more of these stages depending on your use case -

  1. Content Extraction Stage: Start by extracting raw content from your PDFs using extractors like pdf/pdf-extractor or pdf/markdown. These extractors will retrieve text, images, and tables from your documents.
  2. Content to Chunk Extraction Stage: Break down the extracted content into manageable chunks using extractors like text/chunking. This stage helps organize your content into coherent and contextually relevant pieces, making it easier to process and understand.
  3. Chunk to Embedding Extraction Stage: Convert the chunks into vector embeddings using extractors like embedding/minilm-l6 or embedding/arctic.

Image Extraction

If you would like to extract images from PDF, the best extractor to use is tensorlake/pdf-extractor It automatically extracts images from documents and writes them into blob stores. Once images are extracted, you could create pipelines for many downstream image tasks - Embedding using CLIP for semantic search, visual understanding of images using GPT4V, Cog or Moondream, or object detection using YOLO.Indexify provides extractors for all these downstream tasks.

You can get extracted images from pdf-extractor with a simple python code like this:

def get_image_content(client, content_id):
    extracted_content = client.get_extracted_content(content_id)

    for item in extracted_content:
        child_id = item['id']

        structured_data = client.get_structured_data(child_id)

        for data in structured_data:
            if 'metadata' in data and data['metadata'].get('type') == 'image':
                return item['content']

    return None

Table Extraction

Tables are automatically extracted by tensorlake/pdf-extractor as JSON metadata. You can query the metadata associated with documents by calling the Retrieval APIs.

You can get extracted tables from pdf-extractor with a simple python code like this:

def get_table_content(client, content_id):
    extracted_content = client.get_extracted_content(content_id)

    for item in extracted_content:
        child_id = item['id']

        structured_data = client.get_structured_data(child_id)

        for data in structured_data:
            if 'metadata' in data and data['metadata'].get('type') == 'table':
                return item['content']

    return None

Explore the PDF Extractor Landscape

We offer a wide range of PDF extractors to suit specific use-cases. Whether you're dealing with invoices, scientific papers, or scanned documents, we've got you covered. Here's a quick overview of our extractor lineup:

Extractors Output Type Best For Output Example
tensorlake/layoutlm-document-qa-extractor metadata Invoices Question Answering [Feature(feature_type='metadata', name='metadata', value={'query': 'What is the invoice total?', 'answer': '$93.00', 'page': 0, 'score': 0.9743825197219849}, comment=None)]
tensorlake/pdf-extractor text, image, table Scientific Papers with Tabular Info [Content(content_type='text/plain', data=b'I love playing football.', features=[Feature(feature_type='metadata', name='text', value={'page': 1}, comment=None)], labels={})]
tensorlake/ocrmypdf text Photocopied/Scanned PDFs on CPU [Content(content_type='text/plain', data=b'I love playing football.', features=[Feature(feature_type='metadata', value={'page': 1}, comment=None)], labels={})]
tensorlake/easyocr text Photocopied/Scanned PDFs on GPU [Content(content_type='text/plain', data=b'I love playing football.', features=[Feature(feature_type='metadata', name='text', value={'page': 1}, comment=None)], labels={})]
tensorlake/marker text, table Detailed structured & formatted PDF [Content(content_type='text/plain', data=b'I love playing football.', features=[Feature(feature_type='metadata', name='text', value={'language': 'English', 'filetype': 'pdf', 'toc': [], 'pages': 1, 'ocr_stats': {'ocr_pages': 0, 'ocr_failed': 0, 'ocr_success': 0}, 'block_stats': {'header_footer': 2, 'code': 0, 'table': 0, 'equations': {'successful_ocr': 0, 'unsuccessful_ocr': 0, 'equations': 0}}, 'postprocess_stats': {'edit': {}}}, comment=None)], labels={})]

Get Started with PDF Extraction

You can test it locally:

  1. Download a PDF Extractor:

    indexify-extractor download hub://pdf/pdf-extractor
    indexify-extractor join-server pdf-extractor.pdf_extractor:PDFExtractor

  2. Load it in a notebook or in a Python script:

    from indexify_extractor_sdk import load_extractor, Content
    extractor, config_cls = load_extractor("pdf-extractor.pdf_extractor:PDFExtractor")
    content = Content.from_file("/path/to/file.pdf")
    results =  extractor.extract(content)

Continuous PDF Extraction for Applications

We've made it incredibly easy to integrate Indexify into your workflow. Get ready to supercharge your document processing capabilities!

  1. Start the Indexify Server:

    curl | sh
    ./indexify server -d

  2. Start a long-running PDF Extractor:

    indexify-extractor download hub://pdf/pdf-extractor
    indexify-extractor join-server pdf-extractor.pdf_extractor:PDFExtractor

  3. Create an Extraction Graph:

    from indexify import IndexifyClient
    client = IndexifyClient()
    extraction_graph_spec = """
    name: 'pdfknowledgebase'
       - extractor: 'tensorlake/pdf-extractor'
         name: 'my-pdf-extractor'
    extraction_graph = ExtractionGraph.from_yaml(extraction_graph_spec)

  4. Upload PDFs from your application:

    from indexify import IndexifyClient
    client = IndexifyClient()
    content_id = client.upload_file("pdfknowledgebase", "/path/to/pdf.file")

  5. Inspect the extracted content:

    extracted_content = client.get_extracted_content(content_id=content_id)

With just a few lines of code, you can use data locked in PDFs in your applications. Example use-cases: automated data entry, intelligent document search, and effortless question answering.

Explore More Examples

We've curated a collection of inspiring examples to showcase the versatility of PDF extraction. Check out these notebooks: