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Accessing metrics

Indexify servers and coordinators export the metrics in Prometheus format for easy integration with existing services.

The Central Coordinator is runs on port 8960 while the server runs on port 8900 by default.

Coordinator URL Description
/metrics cluster metrics for content upload and extraction
Server URL Description
/metrics http api metrics on this node
/metrics/ingest metrics for content upload and extraction on this node

The following metrics are specific to Indexify cluster operation:

  • indexify_coordinator_executors_online
  • indexify_coordinator_tasks_in_progress
  • indexify_coordinator_content_uploads_total
  • indexify_coordinator_content_bytes_uploaded_total
  • indexify_coordinator_content_extracted_total
  • indexify_coordinator_content_bytes_extracted_total
  • indexify_coordinator_tasks_completed_total
  • indexify_coordinator_tasks_errored_total

This is an example of prometheus configuration to collect metrics from server and coordinator hosts:

  - job_name: "indexify-server-ingest"
    metrics_path: /metrics/ingest
      - targets: ["server:8900"]

  - job_name: "indexify-server"
    metrics_path: /metrics
      - targets: ["server:8900"]

  - job_name: "indexify-coordinator"
    metrics_path: /metrics
      - targets: ["coordinator:8960"]