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Service Configuration

Indexify is configured by a YAML configuration file. The easiest way to start is by generating it with the CLI or by downloading a sample configuration file, and then tweaking it to fit your needs.

Generate with CLI

indexify init-config --config-path /tmp/indexify.yaml

Configuration Reference

Network Configuration

api_port: 8900
coordinator_port: 8950
coordinator_http_port: 8960
raft_port: 8970
  • listen_if: The interface on which the servers listens on. Typically you would want to listen on all interfaces.
  • api_port: The port in which the application facing API server is exposed. This is the HTTP port on which applications upload data, create extraction policies and retrieved extracted data from indexes.
  • coordinator_port: Port on which the coordinator is exposed. This is available as a separate configuration becasue in the dev mode, we expose both the api server and the coordinator server in the same process.
  • coordinator_http_port Port to access coordinator metrics
  • raft_port: Port on which internal messages across coordinator nodes are transmitted. This is only needed if Indexify is either started as a coordinator or in dev mode.

Blob Storage Configuration

  backend: disk
     path: /tmp/indexify-blob-storage
  backend: s3
    bucket: indexifydata
    region: us-east-1

Vector Index Storage

  • index_store: (Default: LancDb): Name of the vector be, possible values: LancdDb, Qdrant, PgVector

Qdrant Config

addr: Address of the Qdrant http endpoint

Pg Vector Config

addr: Address of Postgres

LanceDb Config

path: Path of the database

  index_store: Qdrant
    addr: ""
  index_store: PgVector
    addr: postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/indexify
    m: 16
    efconstruction: 64


  backend: none
  backend: memory
    max_size: 1000000
  backend: redis
    addr: redis://localhost:6379

API Server TLS

To set up mTLS for the indexify server, you first need to create a root certificate along with a client certificate and key pair along with a server certificate and key pair. The commands below will generate the certificates and keys and store them in a folder called .dev-tls.

local-dev-tls-insecure: ## Generate local development TLS certificates (insecure)
    @mkdir -p .dev-tls && \
    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout .dev-tls/ca.key -out .dev-tls/ca.crt -days 365 -nodes -subj "/C=US/ST=TestState/L=TestLocale/O=IndexifyOSS/CN=localhost" && \
    openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout .dev-tls/server.key -out .dev-tls/server.csr -nodes -config ./client_cert_config && \
    openssl x509 -req -in .dev-tls/server.csr -CA .dev-tls/ca.crt -CAkey .dev-tls/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out .dev-tls/server.crt -days 365 -extensions v3_ca -extfile ./client_cert_config && \
    openssl req -new -nodes -out .dev-tls/client.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout .dev-tls/client.key -config ./client_cert_config && \
    openssl x509 -req -in .dev-tls/client.csr -CA .dev-tls/ca.crt -CAkey .dev-tls/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out .dev-tls/client.crt -days 365 -extfile ./client_cert_config -extensions v3_ca

Once you have the certificates and keys generated, add the config below to your server config and provide the paths to where you have stored the root certificate and the server certificate and key pair.

  api: true
  ca_file: .dev-tls/ca.crt        # Path to the CA certificate
  cert_file: .dev-tls/server.crt  # Path to the server certificate
  key_file: .dev-tls/server.key   # Path to the server private key