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Extraction Graphs

Extraction Graphs are rules to instruct Indexify to run a particular extractor on content. Graphs are evaluated when new content is added, and the corresponding extractors are automatically run. Additionally, filters can be added to specifically restrict the content being extracted and added to the index.

For ex, the example below adds graph with a policy minilml6 to all the content in the namespace default which has labels source as google. Anytime any text is added to the namespace with labels that matches the content they are indexed.

extraction_graph_spec = """
name: 'myextractiongraph'
  - extractor: 'tensorlake/minilm-l6'
    name: 'minilml6'
    labels_eq: source:google
extraction_graph = ExtractionGraph.from_yaml(extraction_graph_spec)
const client = await IndexifyClient.createClient();
const graph = ExtractionGraph.fromYaml(`
name: 'myextractiongraph'
  - extractor: 'tensorlake/minilm-l6'
    name: 'minilml6'
    labels_eq: source:google
await client.createExtractionGraph(graph);
curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8900/namespaces/default/extraction_graphs \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '
    "name": "myextractiongraph",
    "extraction_policies": [
          "extractor": "tensorlake/minilm-l6",
          "name": "minil6",
          "filters_eq": "source:google"

Chained Extraction Graph Policies

Within your Extraction Graph you can chain policies together to enable transformation and extraction of content by multiple extractors. For example, you can create a policy that triggers a PDF extractor to extract text, images and tables, and then another policy to trigger an extractor which produces embedding and populates indexes to search through text extracted by the upstream extractor. Specify a content_source in a policy for creating such chains.

For ex -

extraction_graph_spec = """
name: 'myextractiongraph'
  - extractor: 'tensorlake/wikipedia'
    name: 'wikipedia'
  - extractor: 'tensorlake/minilm-l6'
    name: 'minilml6'
    content_source: 'wikipedia'
extraction_graph = ExtractionGraph.from_yaml(extraction_graph_spec)
const graph = ExtractionGraph.fromYaml(`
name: 'myextractiongraph'
  - extractor: 'tensorlake/wikipedia'
    name: 'wikipedia'
  - extractor: 'tensorlake/minilm-l6'
    name: 'minilml6'
    content_source: 'wikipedia'
await client.createExtractionGraph(graph);